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Aqui estão todas as nossas ofertas especiais nas nossas bicicletas! Às vezes até 50% de desconto!
Bike Fitting or postural study, consists of advising you on the right frame size, precisely adjusting your shoe wedges, your saddle height and back, etc.) checking your position dynamically and even analysing your pedalling in order to identify your areas for improvement.
We offer 2 types of Bike Fitting:
- The static study:
A full fit will measure your body size, upper body, leg and arm length, shoulder width and foot size on our 2D body analyser. Based on these measurements, we will then provide you with a complete diagram of your suggested bike configuration. This will take the guesswork out of your bike configuration and can be used to optimise your position on a current bike or guide the purchase of a new one to ensure you get the right size and configuration for your needs.
- The Dynamic Study:
This includes the static study with the addition of a dynamic fit with our 3D motion analysis camera equipment will measure several key parameters while riding and analyse the effect of various changes in your position on these key measures. A qualified fitter will advise you on how to adjust your position so that you can optimise the measurements specific to your riding style while improving your overall comfort.
Bike Fitting is available for road/racing bikes and mountain bikes although it is predominantly used for road/racing bikes.
Price :
- Static: €75
- Dynamic: €150
Make an appointment :
- Messenger Want You Bike
- By phone at 0032/69 23 21 80
Bike fitting is ONLY done in our Tournai shop.
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